
Jl. Kartika No. 2, Sisir, Batu, Sisir, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65315, Indonesia
Jawa Timur Park 1
Jatim Park is a torism object. Jatim Park located in Batu City, East Java. This tourism object is about 20 km west of Malang City. And now become object tourism icon in East Java. Jatim Park is located on the slopes of Panderman Mountain. This place is located at an altitude of 850 above sea level.
Jatim Park is divided into two. There are Jatim Park 1 and Jatim Park 2. Jatim Park 1 and 2 is located in a different area. Jatim Park 1 is located in Kartika Street no. 2 and Jatim Park 2 is located in Oro-Oro Ombo Street no. 9 in Batu City, East Java. The place of Jatim Park 1 and 2 is near. Jatim Park 2 is about ten minutes from Jatim Park 1.
Jatim Park 1 stands on 11 acres of land. Jatim Park 1 is one of the first family recreation most frequently visited by the residents of East Java than Jatim Park 2 and Taman Safari Indonesia 2’s in Prigen Pasuruan. This tourism object is useful as a entertainment and learning. In Jatim park 1, there are about 50 rides in here. Such as Nusantara Gallery, Ethnic East Javanese, test rides guts, Forum for Science, Some Aids, Game Zone, swimming pool, and Bird Park. There is also a restaurant.
Jatim Park 2 stands on 14 acres of land. Jatim Park 2 more shows a place to learn than the playground. Jatim park 2 brings the concept of studying the natural sciences, biology and animal learning are presented with appropriate background habitat. Jatim Park 2 consists of Animal Museum, Batu Secret Zoo and Tree Inn Hotel. Animal Museum building is very similar to the White House in the United States. In the museum there are a lot of animals (have been conserved) are on display and some dinosaur fossils. Batu Secret Zoo is a mini zoo but have rather much a collection of animals, both native to Indonesia and animals imported from foreign. And Tree Inn Hotel that has a very unique shape of the building like a giant tree.

Jl. Oro-Oro Ombo No.9A, Temas, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65314, Indonesia
Eco Green Park
Ingin belajar gaya hidup ramah lingkungan, tapi tidak tahu harus mulai dari mana? Eco Green Park tempat yang tepat untuk mempraktikkan pengetahuanmu! Mulai dari belajar biogas dan manfaatnya, menggunakan toilet edukasi yang menggunakan energi biogas, memilah dan mengolah sampah hingga bisa menjadi kompos, serta melihat olahan barang bekas menjadi kreasi yang menarik. Jangan takut lelah, e-bike siap menemani Anda berkeliling seluruh Eco Green Park.
Jam Buka Eco Green Park: 09.00-17.00 WIB
Harga Tiket Masuk
- Weekday : Rp. 70.000
- Weekend : Rp. 49.000

Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 1, Oro-Oro Ombo, Batu, Oro-Oro Ombo, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65316, Indonesia
Batu Night Spectacular (BNS)
Batu Night Spectacular is relatively new theme park in Batu, East Java, Indonesia. As its name, this theme park opens afternoon to midnight.
This theme park can be a hang out place for children, family or even youngsters. The park is very interesting with nuance of flowers, comical characters, clown, relief, miniatures, depends on carnival events of the park. BNS also has various of games for agility.
If you love to shop, BNS also has a nice place for shoppers at Night Market, that was designed different than other night market. Stands are well composed, and there are many things you can browse such as clothing, flip flops, handicraft to pets. THe prices are reasonable and quality of the stuffs are good enough as BNS management decides the quality standard of the goods.

Eco Green Park, Jalan Raya Oro-Oro Ombo No.9, Batu, Temas, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65316, Indonesia
Museum Satwa
Diorama satwa prasejarah, predator dari Kutub, spesies serangga yang diawetkan, hingga variasi burung yang terbang di atas kita. Museum Satwa menyajikan satwa-satwa yang diawetkan dalam habitat aslinya sehingga kita bisa mengamati mereka lebih dekat. Tak hanya secara visual, setiap binatang diberikan keterangan spesifik yang membantu memahami mereka.
Jam Buka Museum Satwa: 10.00-18.00 WIB
Harga Tiket Masuk (museum satwa+batu secret zoo)
- Weekday : Rp. 120.000
- Weekend : Rp. 84.000

Jalan Raya Oro-Oro Ombo No.9, Temas, Batu, Temas, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65315, Indonesia
JATIM Park 2
East Java (Jatim) Park is located in Jl. Kartika 2 Batu offers recreation tourism of new entertainment amusement for all level. It begins from children, finite adolescent until grandmother and grandfather. Of course, this tourism object has drawn up as family tour area in East Java. To get to the location, is not too difficult, because, the object only 2, 5 kilos meters from Batu city. This tourism object is about 22 hectares width with 850 meters height to sea level, save the multifarious knowledge, and recreation area with various supporting facilities for having relax.
Jatim Park may have said as the different tourism object in East Java province, besides offering a recreation place and study center, we will get many kind new knowledge. Jatim Park has at least 36 kinds of facilities which able to be enjoyed visitor. Before enjoy all supporting facilities for recreation area, the visitors will find an interesting view of ‘Galeri Nusantara’. Then stepped into ‘Taman Sejarah’, which contained of miniature temple in East Java like Sumberawan temple (Singosari- Malang regency), customhouse of Kiai Hasan Besari Ponorogo and Sumberawan Statue.

Jl. Patimura No.23, Temas, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65315, Indonesia
Museum Satwa Jatim Park II
Diorama satwa prasejarah, predator dari Kutub, spesies serangga yang diawetkan, hingga variasi burung yang terbang di atas kita. Museum Satwa menyajikan satwa-satwa yang diawetkan dalam habitat aslinya sehingga kita bisa mengamati mereka lebih dekat. Tak hanya secara visual, setiap binatang diberikan keterangan spesifik yang membantu memahami mereka.
Jam Buka Museum Satwa: 10.00-18.00 WIB
Harga Tiket Masuk (museum satwa+batu secret zoo)
- Weekday : Rp. 120.000
- Weekend : Rp. 84.000

Jl. Oro-Oro Ombo No.9, Temas, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65315, Indonesia
Batu Secret Zoo
• Located inside Jawa Timur Park, Batu, facing Panderman mountain
• 1 Acres indoor building over 15 Acres of Jawa timur Park
• Hundreds of animals diorama from all over the worlds represented in their own inhabitants
• Insectariums with many collections from all over the worlds
• Detailed explanations of every animals like their origins, their favorite foods, Their inhabitants, etc
• Trivia and Quiz about the animals as learning methods for the kids and adults
• Wi-fi Hotspot at the rest area
One of the largest and most complete animals collections from all over the world Batu secret zoo is the must-visit list when you are in Batu. Located inside the Jawa Timur Park 2, not only that you can enjoy the nature’s beauty creations, but also can learn more about the animals including dinosaurs in the zoo museums.
Here you can see different concepts about the zoo in Batu by combining Arts, Tech and Science especially in animals. After being satisfied by fun learning of the animals you can shop for the souvenirs in the souvenirs shops or you can enjoy the food at Warung desa with the traditionals concept of local village.

Jalan Kartika No. 1, Sisir, Batu, Sisir, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65314, Indonesia
The Bagong Adventure Museum Body
Do you know what makes The Bagong Adventure Human Body Museum special and different? Yup, in the museum, there will be 5 Cadavers waiting on you! Cadaver itself is a real human body that already preserved. So, you'll be able to learn about the detail of the parts of your bodies. Then, don't worry about a thing! You'll be accompanied by guides who will explain your curiousity about Cadaver. Visit The Bagong Adventure Human Body Museum and know the answers about your body.

Jalan Sultan Agung No.2, Ngaglik, Kec. Batu, Kota Wisata Batu, Jawa Timur 65314, Indonesia
Pasar Apung Museum Angkut
Konsep pasar tradisional diatas air ini seru buat kamu yang ingin berbelanja oleh-oleh selama di Museum Angkut, banyak makanan bisa dinikmati di Pasar Apung, terutama jajanan tradisional yang recomended!. Kamu juga bisa berkeliling dengan kanau dan memutari seluruh area pasar apung.
Berjalan-jalan berkeliling pasar apung memungkinkan kamu untuk berfoto-foto ria, karena setiap sudut pasar apung selfieable!.
Pasar Apung Nusantara adalah zona terakhir Museum Angkut. Yang pasti Pasar Apung hanya bisa kamu nikmati di Museum Angkut!.

terusan sultan agung no.2 batu
Museum Angkut
Museum Angkut or Museum Angkut Plus Movie Star Studio is kind of amusement park in Batu city, East Java. It can be reached for approximately 50 minutes from the city of Malang. Museum Angkut or in English will be Transportation Museum, is a group with Jatim Park, Batu Secret Zoo and Batu Night Spectacular.
The main attraction of this museum is a collection of various historical cars and vehicles from past to present. There are several sets of themes are available to take pictures, such as Batavia, Europe (Buckingham) and American (Hollywood, Las Vegas, Broadway). There is also a dining area of Floating Market, where we can find numbers of traditional food to western food.
Jl. Terusan Sultan Agung No. 2
Kota Wisata Batu
Contacts / Phone:
+ 62-341 595007
Open Hours:
Counters - 11am
Operational: 12pm - 8pm
Admission prices (Museum + Movie Star Studio):
Monday - Thursday: Rp. 50.000, -
Friday - Sunday: Rp. 75.000, -
Package prices (Museum + Movie Star Studio + D'Mask Kingdom):
Monday - Thursday: Rp. 60.000, -
Friday - Sunday: Rp. 85.000, -

oro oro ombo 235 batu
Peta Wisata Batu
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